Open Pit
The collection of high-quality, accurate geomechanical data through logging core, performing field tests and geomechanical mapping is valuable for extracting reliable geotechnical design parameters, and identifying and characterizing geotechnical hazards associated with open-pit mining activities.NEMCCO team members apply the industry’s best geomechanical investigation practices to ensure delivering sound, cost-effective designs.
With the knowledge acquired over the years, our team can effectively analyze both simple and complex problems for a variety of slip surface shapes, pore-water pressure conditions, soil properties, and loading conditions. Our approach uses probabilistic analysis capabilities to evaluate the georisks associated with such earth structures.
Excessive deformation of openings could pose a significant risk to the mine operation. Being alerted by appropriate instruments to all potential events helps engineering or technical staff to assess potential risk and take immediate and appropriate action, ensuring mine operations are kept safe and productive at all times.
Besides qualitative systems that rely mainly on visual inspections, our experience with quantitative-based open-pit instruments includes Survey Monitoring, Slope inclinometers, TDR, drill hole extensometers, piezometers, microseismic sensors, etc.
NEMCCO helps mining operations to plan and manage pit closure by addressing concerns such as erosion and sediment control, solid waste disposal, restoration of waste and mine areas, the effects of mine subsidence, vibration, and the impact on surface water and groundwater.